Our Planet

Environmental Studies explores the interactions between human societies and the range of environments in which we exist. Evidence of human impact is prevalent across the planet, from remote wildlands to urban centers and from local communities to global systems. It is the responsibility of human communities to acknowledge and moderate these impacts, recognizing that we share the planet with the non-human world and future generations.




Charting Pathways
Towards Sustainability

Environmental Studies at UC Santa Barbara generates transformative ideas through research and educates students to become agents for change for a healthy and just environment. Envisioning solutions to critical environmental challenges requires creative, disruptive and interdisciplinary thinking. Charting pathways towards sustainability builds on in-depth analysis of current environmental problems, knowledge of the histories of these problems, and compelling visions of alternatives.

Environmental Leaders

Environmental Studies at UC Santa Barbara trains and prepares students to be world-class leaders in multidisciplinary analysis and problem solving for environmental health and sustainability, and transformative social change in the 21st century. The educational process is highly interdisciplinary; students explore a wide variety of environmental topics, drawing on concepts, theories, and research methods from the natural and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities.