Environmental Studies has resources for students to stay engaged beyond their undergraduate education. From research opportunities to information about careers and graduate school, students can find several avenues to have their questions answered.


Environmental Organizations

UCSB and Santa Barbara Community have an array of environmental organizations. Environmental Studies encourages its students to get involved!

Environmental Organizations



Environmental Studies annually awards scholarships to students in the major. Additionally, there are several environmentally themed scholarships offered through UCSB and the community.


environmental careers

Environmental Careers

Environmental Studies offers students career advising and has a substantial list of online environmental career-related search engines. Additionally, every quarter, the program offers a careers course to all majors.

Environmental Careers

graduate school

Graduate School

A good amount of Environmental Studies graduates pursue a graduate-level degree. Students can find resources on finding and applying to graduate school in our online graduate school directory. 

Graduate School

Resources for Staff, Faculty, and Lecturers

If you are hosting a guest lecturer for your course or a visitor for an event who requires a campus parking permit, you can request one through our department. Please fill out this Google Form to submit your request. All guests are subject to parking limitations from UCSB Transportation & Parking Services. Note that requests should be made at least 5 working days before the required date.

Please refer to this Google Doc for the ES Lecturer Onboarding FAQ. This document will be updated as necessary.