Boulder Lichen and Likin' Bouldering: Impact of rock climbing on boulder vegetation in Santa Barbara, CA
Keeha Levitan
Global Catastrophes: An analysis of the discourses of COVID-19 and climate policy
Sophia Thompson
The Future of Food: How edible insects can improve food security in the US
Lexi Luong
Fashion… Friend or Foe? Factors influencing young consumers toward ethical apparel purchases
Gracie Towle
To Ban or not to Ban? Regulation of atrazine in the United States and European Union
Giana Gurerra
Conserving Wildlife with Our Bear Hands
Breckee Horney
Environmental Injustice in U.S. Prisons
Serafina Chavez
Dirty Dumping in the Clean Valley: A look at hazardous waste and environmental inequity in late twentieth century Silicon Valley
Anita Carraher
Changing Minds: Can environmental films help save the planet?
Quinn Wilson
The Pedestrianization of State Street and its Effect on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Samantha Ellman
Who has the power? An interrupted time series analysis of California's electricity and natural gas usage during COVID-19
Nathaniel Villa
The Art of Communicating
Camille Locke
Saving the Whales from Ship Speeds: Assessing vessel speed reduction effectiveness for whale conservation efforts
Melanie Leung
How Do Environmental Activists Choose Campaign Strategy? Strategy selection and autonomy of youth-led campaigns against climate change
Handri Handoyo