Degrees Offered
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Environmental Studies, and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Hydrologic Sciences and Policy.
The Environmental Studies Program offers a wide variety of courses covering a diverse field of disciplines and topics. Please see our course offerings below.
Internships are an invaluable part of the undergraduate experience. Click below to see how you can get credit through ENV S 192 for your internships!
Featured News
Save the Date! Attend the Environmental Studies Program 55th Anniversary Celebration
Environmental Studies Program Events
Join the Environmental Studies Program for a 55th Anniversary Celebration and 41st Annual Steven Manley Memorial Lecture, featuring Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe. May 23-34, 2025. Location and talk title TBA.
Congratulations to Associate Professor Liz Carlisle!
UCSB Academic Personnel Career Development Awards
Associate Professor Liz Carlisle receives a Regents Humanities Faculty Fellowship to work on a new book, tentatively titled Living Roots: Perennial Foods for an Abundant Future, alongside her co-editor, Aubrey Streit Krug.
UC Santa Barbara Opens New Center to Incubate Environmental Leaders
Santa Barbara Independent
The Environmental Leadership Incubator (ELI) evolves into the Greti U. Croft Center for Undergraduate Environmental Leadership (CUEL), continuing to support opportunities for students passionate about sustainability.
Here's how to turn climate change anxiety into action
NPR Morning Edition
Class of 2024 ES Alum Jada Alexander details her journey with coral reefs and the transformative Climate Resilience course.
Header Image Credit: Michael Montgomery