As Director of the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration, Dr. Seltmann directs their three main research and programmatic areas — collections management, education, and restoration. The integration of these activities support the overall campus mission and provide unique opportunities for faculty, staff, students, and community members to explore, learn, and be inspired by our collections and campus natural areas. CCBER promotes the teaching of diverse undergraduate courses in EEMB, Environmental Studies, and Geology. It also supports faculty, staff, and student research interests by providing field and lab-based resources. In addition, CCBER houses regionally focused collections of terrestrial plants, algae, and vertebrates, as well as an extensive plant anatomy collection.
Dr. Seltmann's research agenda is in the field of biodiversity informatics, or data science research of digitized natural history collection records, arthropod diversity in restoration habitats, and expanding the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) educational impact of restoration natural areas and natural history collections.
PhD., Pennsylvania State University
MSc., University of Kentucky
BFA., University of Georgia
Courses Taught
ENV S 96: Introduction to Curation of Natural History Collections
Big-Bee: Extending Anthophila research through image and trait digitization