Gray, Summer

Associate Professor

Bren 4027

Summer Gray is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at UC Santa Barbara, where she teaches courses on infrastructure, adaptation, and the environment. She is also a founding member of the Climate Justice Project at UC Santa Barbara and a DIY filmmaker. Prior to joining the Environmental Studies Program in 2017, she was a UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at UC Santa Cruz.


Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

M.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara

B.A., Science, Technology, and Society, Pomona College


Summer’s research is focused on connecting practices of shoreline stabilization with the emerging and uneven geographies of sea change, especially in low-lying countries and island nations. Her work highlights the lived experiences of coastal communities throughout the world facing the threat of sea change and the unintended consequences of coastal development and sand mining.


Environment and Society, Infrastructure and Adaptation, Climate Justice Studies