The following programs help provide students with experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom, ranging from field research to scientific diving to environmental filmmaking. Some of these programs may offer academic credit, but most do not; the bulk of their value rests in the unique exploratory experiences they bring to Environmental Studies students who are interested!


In this 12 day expedition, students participate in hands-on sea turtle field work with experts, learn about sea turtle biology, ecology, and conservation. Students are trained in scientific techniques to collect and analyze data on nesting females and hatchlings under the guidance of local project staff. During the entire expedition, students will get the chance to discover incredible landscapes, get immersed into the local culture, and experience a wide range of exciting and life-changing activities.

Carsey-Wolf Center's Blue Horizons

Blue Horizons is a nine-week summer program, where students learn elements essential to producing documentary films -- from developing a film's core idea and story, to thinking about its impact on its audiences, to the nuts-and-bolts of video production. Issues such as marine protected areas, sustainable fishing, watershed ecosystems, beach erosion, aquaculture, and others will be closely studied, and provide the foundation necessary to produce an informative film. 


Scientific Diving Certification

This 100-hour Dive Safety Course is offered twice a year and is required for an open water scuba diver who wants to work as a scientific diver for UCSB. Training in the classroom, pool, and ocean allows UCSB to meet scientific diving standards and is designed to fine-tune your diving skills and introduce scientific diving techniques. 

FUERTE Program

The FUERTE program is a 3-year program that helps bridge students from their freshman year to research experiences that help them become environmental scientists. The program helps students develop skills for a career in conservation and environmental science, including fieldwork and research.

Bren-Environmental Studies Fellows

The Bren-ES Fellows program is a joint program between the ES Department and the Bren School to help achieve greater post-grad outcomes for historically underserved groups. The program offers professional workshops, 1:1 mentoring with Bren faculty and students, and a quarterly stipend Students are invited to begin the program when they are ~ two years away from graduation, so they have the opportunities to utilize Fellows workshops in preparing applications for internships, jobs, and graduate school. 

Carsey-Wolf Center's Green Screen

Students in the Green Screen program work in teams to leverage their collective production skills and environmental knowledge to create short films, which then premiere at UCSB's Pollock Theater. The goal of the program is not only to increase awareness about the environment, but to expand the ways that these issues are represented and communicated. Students will have an opportunity to work with local environmental organizations on critical issues that affect Santa Barbara County. 


Washington Center Program (UCDC)

Every quarter a select group of UCSB undergraduates are selected to travel to our Nation's Capital. While studying at UCSB's Washington Center, students combine real work experience via internships with independent research and study, and get to take advantage of the wide array of cultural and political opportunities in the political center of the United States and one of the most dynamic and important cities in the world. This full academic internship program is offered every quarter, including summer and housing is included at a UC owned and run dormitory.  The application deadlines for this opportunity are normally three to five months ahead of the quarter one wants to participate, so be sure to visit UCSB's UCDC website for application info and deadlines.  

UC Center Sacramento (UCCS)

Similar to the UCDC program, students in the UCCS program have the opportunity to observe public policy processes firsthand in our state's capital. Designed for undergraduates in their junior or senior year, the program allows students to pursue internships and research projects specific to enhance their academic study. Interested students are encouraged to get more info and apply via the UCCS website.